The Ewoldt-Oshiro Family

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Today Duncan started his 12 year career in the public school education system. He got up ready to go. He got on his new button down shirt he got after he realized they are Kevin Harvick ( colors and his new jeans. He picked up his new back pack filled with, lunch, new crayons, markers, paper, paints and note pads. You would think he was headed off to college and not Kindergarten.
We (being Karen, Eric, Lilliana and myself) got him to the school by 9:05 am, which was amazing. We stopped and took a couple of pictures and then headed to his class room. In the class room he had a plastic bin to hold all his new stuff and a mail slot for his paper and note books. He found his seat and we left. I went on to work and Karen came home.
At lunch Karen’s mom came up and watched Eric and Lilly while Karen meet Duncan for lunch. She said he seemed to be having a good time and was not stressed at all by being away from home all day.
School ended at 3:50 PM and Karen picked him up. She asked him what he did today, so he said he spent the morning coloring, but before lunch he went to the gym for a school gathering (uncertain the number of children) where they talked about the school and hello was said in several different languages. I don’t think he remembered what they were. He also had story time read by the teacher that was called the “Kissing Hand” and some time in the morning and afternoon went outside for recess.
I got home about 7:15 or so, which is very normal for me and asked him who he played with. He didn’t remember their names but knew it was a boy. He also said he wasn’t tired after being gone all day. He seems to be doing better than he did at pre-school. Tomorrow is back at it and we’ll see by the end of the week how he does.


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