The Ewoldt-Oshiro Family

Monday, August 30, 2004

Eric’s birthday was August 21st and we had a party for him on Sunday the 22nd. Eric had a good turn out for his party, his brother Duncan, sister Lilliana, cousins Stephen and Chris, plus his friends JC, Olivia, Helena. Eric got a good selection of presents and of course a chocolate birthday cake. A fun time was had by all.
The party started around 4 PM with games for the little ones. They had a game of Dinosaur Bingo, followed by a Dinosaur dig in a sand pit and then cake with Dinosaurs on it. If you can’t tell Eric’s favorite thing right now are Dinosaurs. He can tell you the names of most of them, not bad for a 3 year old.
For his birthday he received several different books about Dinosaurs which he promptly sat down and started to look through. He also likes Spiderman and thus received a couple of Spiderman toys, one is a Spiderman car and a Spiderman web set.
There was only one minor injury during the party when Olivia tired to be Spiderman and took a header off the stairs. It sounded worse than it was and the next day she was fine with no marks to show for her experience.
The parents had a good time. There was beer and food for everybody. The beer was the most important part, which is true for any gathering of adults.
Now that Eric has had a good kick off to begin the age of 3, we are looking forward to all that it brings. He starts preschool in a few weeks. It’s just 2 days a week but we hope that he starts to enjoy it.

Next week Duncan starts Kindergarten.


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