The Ewoldt-Oshiro Family

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The report on Eric

Update on Eric. We went into the doctor’s office last Sunday where a couple of very good nurses took a blood sample from Eric. He was a trooper through the whole thing and really didn’t start to cry until they had to move the needle. He was fine after and I am really proud of him for the way he handled it. He didn’t move around too much he didn’t try to move his arm back he just cried and I tired not too.

The results came back yesterday and they were all fine. He is normal just under weight. The doctor has asked that we write a log of his food intake for a couple of days, which means we need to measure and/or weight the amount of food we give him and then do the same for the amount of food he doesn’t eat. They are going to send that log to a dietitian who well then determine what we should be feeding him and how much there needs to be. In 2 months Eric goes back for a follow up visit and we need the standard sample as well.

I just think we need to have Eric stay in his chair and finish his food. He is a kid who doesn’t like to sit still for very long. There are too many other things he thinks he wants to do. Karen and I just need to make sure he eats. Lately we have been feeding him ourselves. I know that may not be the best thing to do but at least he is then eating more. I’ll update more as I know it.


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